Statement of Independence and Integrity

Muslim Votes Matter (MVM) is an independent, grassroots organisation dedicated to promoting the political engagement and voice of Australian Muslims. Our mission is to strengthen national unity and promote values-driven policymaking. As a reliable resource trusted by the community, we are committed to building relationships that enhance democratic participation for all Australians.

Our Principles - MVM operates on a foundation of core principles that guide our actions and advocacy:

  • Political Empowerment: Our primary goal is to empower the Australian Muslim community politically, ensuring their voices are heard and their votes matter. We focus on educating our community about the political process and encouraging informed voting.

  • Transparency and Accountability: We operate with complete transparency and accountability. Our decisions and actions are guided by our commitment to these values, ensuring that we remain a trusted resource for our community.

  • Respect and Civility: We celebrate diversity and treat everyone with respect. We foster positive and respectful conversations and steer clear of any behaviour that could harm or discriminate against others.

Our Commitment:

  • Independent Advocacy: MVM is not affiliated with any political party or external organisation. Our advocacy and initiatives are driven solely by our mission and the needs of the community we serve.

  • Community Focus: We prioritise the needs and aspirations of the Australian Muslim community in all our actions. Our work is grounded in a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by our community.

  • Ethical Conduct: All volunteers and representatives are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct, ensuring that their actions align with our principles and do not misrepresent MVM.

Join Us

We invite you to join us in our mission to create a cohesive Australian society where the political engagement and voice of Australian Muslims strengthen national unity and promote values-driven policymaking. Together, we can achieve our goals and make a significant impact in a responsible and ethical way.

Contact Us: For more information, please contact us at